Traveling back and forth across the globe for business can sometimes be stressful, add in an unexpected leg and important meeting when you don’t have a clean dress shirt and that’s where things could get tricky, well that’s if you didn’t have a Concierge
I recently read a great article by Richard Branson on art of delegation. In the article he says “Work On–not–in your business”.
Work On-not–In your business: Seems like a novel idea but daunting at first. However as your business grows, so does
Our time is limited, yet we are all guilty of trying to squeeze 36 hours into 24.
To stay competitive in today’s digital world you need to be able to be efficient and productive with the 24 hours that you are granted each day.
The truth is we all have the same amount of time in a day: 24 hours or 1,440 minutes.
You can’t do everything yourself. And the bigger your business grows, the truer this becomes. That’s why it’s so essential to master the art of delegation. Delegating the day-to-day work of your business frees you up to think big, cultivate relationships with clients, nail down new sources of revenue, and do the things that only
We’ve all heard the advice that if you want to grow your business you need to focus on the things you do well and delegate the rest to others. When it comes to putting that advice into practice, many of us find excuses.
We always hear people complaining that they just don’t have the time to do things.
“ I don’t have time